Thanks for telling us about your HIMSS plans. Let's start with your contact information.
Your name
Your e-mail address
Your company name
We do an online HIMSS guide that tells readers where to find you and what your company will be doing at the conference. We put this out the week before the conference. If you'd like your company to be included, please provide the following information.
Enter your booth number. If you aren't exhibiting but want to be included in the guide, provide instructions on how interested readers can get in touch with you (such as a name and e-mail address, telephone number, etc.)
Your contact person's name.
Your contact person's title.
Your contact person's e-mail address.
Your contact person's telephone number.
For the HIMSS guide: your writeup about the company, one or two paragraphs. Include reasons attendees should visit your booth. Describe any special giveaways or promotions.